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dc.contributor.authorMarine Institute
dc.identifier.citationMarine Institute, 2013. Newport Research Facility, Annual Report, No. 57, 2012en_GB
dc.descriptionThis report follows in sequence from the Annual Reports of the Salmon Research Agency of Ireland Inc. and the Salmon Research Trust of Ireland Inc.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis report represents a continuation of the Annual Reports published by the Salmon Research Agency of Ireland. The data presented creates a unique record of fish rearing and wild fish census data for the past 42 years. This data is an essential component in the local, regional and national management of salmon, sea trout and eel and is becoming ever more valuable in the light of increasing pressures on natural stocks, such as exploitation, habitat degradation and global climate change scenarios. The fish monitoring facilities in Newport, along with the reared and ranched salmon stocks held in Burrishoole, are also essential for the evaluation of novel enhancement techniques, alternative stocks and ranching and evaluation of interactions between farmed, ranched and wild strains.en_GB
dc.publisherMarine Instituteen_GB
dc.subjectAnnual Reporten_GB
dc.titleNewport Research Facility, Annual Report, No. 57, 2012en_GB
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_GB

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Newport Annual Reports
    These are the annual reports of the Marine Institute Newport Research Facility. Prior to the Marine Institute, this work was carried out by the Salmon Research Trust of Ireland, and later the Salmon Research Agency of Ireland. For consistency the titles remain as 'Newport Research Facility, Annual Reports'. The scientific aspects of the Annual Reports published by the Salmon Research Trust of Ireland are now integrated into the Fisheries Ecosystem Advisory Services Group (FEAS) of the Marine Institute.

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