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dc.contributor.authorMarine Institute
dc.identifier.citationMarine Institute (2004). A National Survey of Water-Based Leisure Activities in Ireland 2003.en_GB
dc.descriptionBy the Marine Institute based on a report prepared by Professor James Williams and Ms Bernadette Ryan, Economic and Social Research Instituteen_GB
dc.description.abstractThis survey profiles the domestic market for water-based tourism, sport and leisure in Ireland. The data provides up-to-date statistical information on 18 water-based leisure activities broadly grouped under the following categories: Seaside/Resort trips; Angling; Coastal and Inland Boating; and Watersports. The objective of the survey is to demonstrate the significant contribution of marine leisure activity to the national economy, and to highlight emerging trends and the potential for development of our water-based leisure resources. A key finding of the survey, conducted by the ESRI in 2003, is that marine leisure activity based on Ireland’s marine and freshwater resources generates €434 million in expenditure by Irish residents, and approximately 5,100 jobs are supported by this level of expenditure. A comparison of the domestic tourism market and the water-based tourism domestic market further highlights the value of the sector. In 2003, water-based tourism accounted for 22 per cent of the domestic tourism market and generated 45 per cent of domestic tourism revenue.Our seaside resorts, beaches, inland waterways and rivers provide the resource for a wide range of water-based tourism recreation, sport and leisure activities. The survey results show that 1.48 million persons, representing 49 per cent of the adult population participated in some form of water-based activity during the survey period. Although overall satisfaction with facilities was high, a further 10 per cent of the adult population (294,100) said they would take up some marine leisure activity if facilities were better. This demonstrates the potential and scope for development in the sector.en_GB
dc.publisherMarine Instituteen_GB
dc.titleA National Survey of Water-Based Leisure Activities in Ireland 2003en_GB
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_GB

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  • Tourism Reports
    Reports pertaining to tourism compiled by the Marine Institute.

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