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TC23_05 INFOMAR Survey Report, Area: Atlantic Ocean & Irish SeaGeological Survey Ireland (GSI) and Marine Institute (MI) conducted seabed mapping between 2003 and 2005 under the auspices of the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) and mapping continued from 2006 to present day under the INtegrated mapping FOr the sustainable development of Irelands MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme. INSS, which commenced in 1999 under the GSI was one of the largest marine mapping programmes ever undertaken globally, with a focus on deep water mapping. INFOMAR is a joint venture between the GSI and the MI and is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC). INFOMAR Phase 1, 2006 to 2015 focused on mapping 26 priority bays and 3 priority areas around Ireland and creating a range of integrated mapping products of the physical and biological features of the seabed in those areas. INFOMAR Phase 2, 2016 to 2026 intends to map the remainder of Ireland’s entire seabed.
TC23_04 INFOMAR Survey ReportGeological Survey Ireland (GSI) and Marine Institute (MI) conducted seabed mapping between 2003 and 2005 under the auspices of the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) and mapping continued from 2006 to present day under the INtegrated mapping FOr the sustainable development of Irelands MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme. INSS, which commenced in 1999 under the GSI was one of the largest marine mapping programmes ever undertaken globally, with a focus on deep water mapping. INFOMAR is a joint venture between the GSI and the MI and is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC). INFOMAR Phase 1, 2006 to 2015 focused on mapping 26 priority bays and 3 priority areas around Ireland and creating a range of integrated mapping products of the physical and biological features of the seabed in those areas. INFOMAR Phase 2, 2016 to 2026 intends to map the remainder of Ireland’s entire seabed.
Aran, Galway Bay and Slyne Head Nephrops Grounds (FU17) 2024 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2025This report provides the main results and findings of the 22 nd annual underwater television survey on the Aran, Galway Bay and Slyne head Nephrops grounds, ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 17. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. In 2024 a total of 43 UWTV stations were successfully completed, 33 on the Aran Grounds, 5 on Galway Bay and 5 on Slyne Head patches. The mean burrow density observed in 2024, adjusted for edge effect, was medium at 0.36 burrows/m². The final krigged burrow abundance estimate for the Aran Grounds was 429 million burrows with a CV (Coefficient of Variance; relative standard error) of 3%. The final abundance estimate for Galway Bay was 16 million and for Slyne Head was 6 million, with CVs of 3% and 3% respectively. The total abundance estimates have fluctuated considerably over the time series. The 2024 combined abundance estimate (451 million burrows) is 20% higher than in 2023, and it is below MSY Btrigger (540 million burrows). Using the 2024 estimate of abundance and updated stock data imply that catches in 2025 should be between 565 and 649 tonnes, according to the EU MAP and ICES MSY approach and assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2021–2023. Virgularia mirabilis was the only sea-pen species observed on the UWTV footage. Trawl marks were present at 7% of the Aran stations surveyed.
Porcupine Bank Nephrops Grounds (FU16) 2024 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2025This report provides the results of the eleventh underwater television on the ‘Porcupine Bank Nephrops grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 16. The survey was multi disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. In total 68 UWTV stations were successfully completed (99% of the planned stations) in a randomised 6 nautical mile isometric grid covering the full spatial extent of the stock. The mean burrow density observed in 2024, adjusted for edge effect, was 0.23 burrows/m². The final krigged abundance estimate was 1677 million burrows with a CV of 3%. The 2024 abundance estimate was 16% lower than in 2023. Using the 2024 estimate of abundance and updated stock data imply that catches in 2025 should be between 2813 and 3488 tonnes, according to the EU MAP and ICES MSY approach (assuming that all catch is landed). Four species of sea-pen (Virgularia mirabilis, Funiculina quadrangularis, Pennatula phosphorea and the deepwater sea-pen Kophobelemnon stelliferum) were observed during the survey. Trawl marks were also observed on 35% of the stations surveyed.
The “Smalls” Nephrops Grounds (FU22) 2024 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2025.This report provides the main results and findings of the nineteenth annual underwater television survey on the ‘Smalls grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 22. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. A total of 39 UWTV stations were surveyed successfully (high quality image data), carried out over an isometric grid at 4.5nmi or 8.3km intervals. The precision, with a CV of 7%, was well below the upper limit of 20% recommended by SGNEPS (ICES, 2012). The 2024 abundance estimate was 9% lower than in 2023 and at 703 million is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (990 million). Using the 2024 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2025 that correspond to the ICES MSY approach of 1541 tonnes, assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2021 - 2023. One species of sea pen was recorded as present at the stations surveyed: Virgularia mirabilis. Trawl marks were observed at 41% of the stations surveyed.
The Labadie, Jones and Cockburn Banks Nephrops Grounds (FU20-21) 2024 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2025.This report presents the main results of the 2025 underwater television (UWTV) survey conducted on the ‘Labadie, Jones and Cockburn Banks’ within ICES assessment area Functional Unit (FU) 20-21. The 2024 annual survey was multi-disciplinary, collecting UWTV footage along with other ecosystem data. A total of 84 UWTV stations were completed at 6 nm intervals over a randomised isometric grid design, resulting in 90% coverage of the area. The mean burrow density in 2024 was recorded at 0.111 burrows/m2 , indicating a slight increase from 0.104 burrows/m2 in 2023. The 2024 geostatistical abundance estimate was 1152 million burrows, marking a 12% increase from 2023 and resulting in a Coefficient of variation (CV)of 6% well below the 20% upper limit recommended by SGNEPS (2012). Low to medium burrow densities were observed throughout the surveyed grounds. Using the 2024 abundance estimate and updated stock data, the estimated catch for 2025, aligned with the ICES Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) approach, is projected at 2,153 tonnes, assuming no change in discard rates and fishery selection patterns from 2021–2023 average. One species of sea-pen (Virgularia mirabilis), was recorded at the surveyed stations. Trawl marks were observed at 43% of these stations.
FU19 Nephrops Grounds 2024 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2025This report provides the main results of the fifteenth underwater television survey of the various Nephrops patches in Functional Unit 19. The survey was multi disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. In 2024 a total 42 UWTV stations were successfully completed. The mean density estimates varied considerably across the different patches. The 2024 raised abundance estimate showed a 32% increase from the 2023 estimate and at 291 million burrows is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (430 million). Using the 2024 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2025 that correspond to the F ranges in the EU multi annual plan for Western Waters are between 385 and 433 tonnes (assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2021–2023). One species of sea pen was observed; Virgularia mirabilis which has been observed on previous surveys of FU19. Trawl marks were observed at 13% of the stations surveyed.
Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS), 08 June –19 July, 2024.The WESPAS survey program is the consolidation of two existing survey programs carried out by FEAS, the Malin Shelf herring acoustic survey, and the boarfish acoustic survey. The Malin Shelf herring acoustic survey has been carried out annually since 2008 and reports on the annual abundance of summer feeding aggregations of herring to the west of Scotland and to the north and west of Ireland from 53°30’N to 58°30’N. The boarfish survey was conducted from 2011 using a chartered fishing vessel and reported the abundance of spawning aggregations of boarfish from 47°N to 57°N. In 2016 both surveys were combined into the WESPAS survey and have been carried out on the RV Celtic Explorer over a 42-day period, providing synoptic coverage of shelf waters from 47°30’N northwards to 58°30’N. Age stratified relative stock abundance estimates of boarfish, herring and horse mackerel within the survey area were calculated using acoustic data and biological data from trawl sampling. Stock estimates of boarfish and horse mackerel were submit ted to the ICES assessment Working Group for Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) meeting in August 2022. Herring estimates are submitted to the Herring Assessment Working Group (HAWG) meeting in March every year. Survey performance will be re viewed at the ICES Planning Group meeting for International Pelagic Surveys (WGIPS) meeting in January 2025.
Atlantic Herring in 6aS/7b, Industry Acoustic Survey Cruise Report, November-December 2023 and January 2024.An acoustic survey of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus was conducted in ICES areas 6aS/7b in November/December 2023 and January 2024. This was the eight consecutive annual survey of herring in this area at this time of the year. The survey is part of an effort to describe the more dominant winter spawning herring in this area when it is geographically separated from other stocks. The survey design has been evolving since its inception in 2016. The survey area covered in the first 3 years (2016-18) included significant offshore coverage in areas 6aS and 7b. The survey in 2019 was much reduced and mostly confined to inshore bays because of poor weather. In 2020, the survey design changed compared with previous years in that only 6 core areas with prior knowledge of herring distribution from the monitoring fishery were targeted for surveying. This design was continued in 2021, 2022 and 2023. The change in survey design was largely based on results from the ICES workshop WKHASS held in 2019 (ICES 2020), and from lessons learned in the previous surveys in this area from 2016- 2019. The design results in a reduced survey area compared to earlier years, but there is more intense coverage of most of the important inshore bays where the monitoring fishery takes place. The survey design objective remains the same; to describe and quantify the distribution of winter spawning herring in the 6aS/7b area when separate from other stocks. The timing of surveys in the core areas was flexible from the outset by design in 2023. It was decided that greater flexibility would allow for a targeted spatial and temporal approach which avoided the inevitable poor weather that can happen in this area during this time of the year and which lead to reduced survey effort in 2019, but also to some extent in 2017 and 2018. Using smaller vessels allowed surveys to be conducted in shallow inshore areas where herring are known to inhabit during this time of the year. The previous surveys in 2016 - 2022 are reported in O’Malley et al (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023).
Cruise report: Irish Anglerfish & Megrim Survey 2024The 2024 Irish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey (IAMS) took place from 8th February to 3rd March in ICES (International Council Exploration of the Sea) Divisions 7.b-c and 7.j-k, and 12th to 21st April in ICES Division 6.a on-board the Research Vessel Celtic Explorer. The main objective of the survey was to obtain biomass and abundance indices for anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius and Lophius budegassa) and megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and Lepidorhombus boscii) in ICES Division 6.a (south of 58°N) and Subarea 7 (west of 8°W). Secondary objectives were to collect data on the distribution, relative abundance and biology of other commercially exploited species. For the sixth year, additional sampling took place in deep water (up to 1,500m) in order to monitor the recovery of exploited deep-water species following the decline of the deep-water fisheries in Irish waters since early 2000s (Kelly and Gerritsen, 2022). This work was funded under Marine Biodiversity Schemes of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) from 2019 to 2021 and European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) since 2022. The IAMS survey is coordinated with the Scottish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey (SIAMISS) as part of ICES International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group (IBTSWG) and uses the same gear and fishing practices.
TC23_01 INFOMAR Survey ReportGeological Survey Ireland (GSI) and Marine Institute (MI) conducted seabed mapping between 2003 and 2005 under the auspices of the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) and mapping continued from 2006 to present day under the INtegrated mapping FOr the sustainable development of Irelands MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme. INSS, which commenced in 1999 under the GSI was one of the largest marine mapping programmes ever undertaken globally, with a focus on deep water mapping. INFOMAR is a joint venture between the GSI and the MI and is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC). INFOMAR Phase 1, 2006 to 2015 focused on mapping 26 priority bays and 3 priority areas around Ireland and creating a range of integrated mapping products of the physical and biological features of the seabed in those areas. INFOMAR Phase 2, 2016 to 2026 intends to map the remainder of Ireland’s entire seabed.
TC23_02 INFOMAR Survey ReportGeological Survey Ireland (GSI) and Marine Institute (MI) conducted seabed mapping between 2003 and 2005 under the auspices of the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) and mapping continued from 2006 to present day under the INtegrated mapping FOr the sustainable development of Irelands MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme. INSS, which commenced in 1999 under the GSI was one of the largest marine mapping programmes ever undertaken globally, with a focus on deep water mapping. INFOMAR is a joint venture between the GSI and the MI and is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC). INFOMAR Phase 1, 2006 to 2015 focused on mapping 26 priority bays and 3 priority areas around Ireland and creating a range of integrated mapping products of the physical, chemical and biological features of the seabed in those areas. INFOMAR Phase 2, 2016 to 2026 intends to map the remainder of Ireland’s entire seabed.
TC23_03 INFOMAR Survey ReportGeological Survey Ireland (GSI) and Marine Institute (MI) conducted seabed mapping between 2003 and 2005 under the auspices of the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) and mapping continued from 2006 to present day under the INtegrated mapping FOr the sustainable development of Irelands MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme. INSS, which commenced in 1999 under the GSI was one of the largest marine mapping programmes ever undertaken globally, with a focus on deep water mapping. INFOMAR is a joint venture between the GSI and the MI and is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC). INFOMAR Phase 1, 2006 to 2015 focused on mapping 26 priority bays and 3 priority areas around Ireland and creating a range of integrated mapping products of the physical and biological features of the seabed in those areas. INFOMAR Phase 2, 2016 to 2026 intends to map the remainder of Ireland’s entire seabed.
International Blue Whiting Spawning Stock Survey (IBWSS) Spring 2024Coordination of the survey was initiated at the meeting of the Working Group on International Pelagic Surveys (WGIPS) in January 2024 and continued by correspondence until the start of the survey. During the survey, effort was refined and adjusted by the survey coordinator (Norway) using real time observations.
Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey Cruise Report 2023, 09 - 29 October, 2023The primary objectives of this survey were: <br><br> *Carry out a two phase survey cruise track covering the core survey area <br><br> *Carry out additional adaptive surveys as required in areas of interest <br><br> *Collect biological samples from directed trawling on insonified fish echotraces <br><br> * Collect biological data on the age, length and maturity of herring and sprat <br><br> *Determine an age stratified estimate of relative abundance of herring within the survey area (ICES Divisions VIIj, VIIg and VIIaS) <br><br> *Determine an estimate of relative abundance of sprat, anchovy and sardine within the survey area (ICES Divisions VIIj, VIIg and VIIaS) <br><br> *Collect physical oceanography data from vertical profiles from a deployed sensor array <br><br> * Collect biological samples of sprat and herring for genetic analysis on stock origin studies. <br><br> * Visual surveys to determine the distribution and abundance of apex predators (marine mammals, tuna and seabirds)
FU19 Nephrops Grounds 2023 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2024This report provides the main results of the fourteenth underwater television survey of the various Nephrops patches in Functional Unit 19. The survey was multi disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. In 2023 a total 42 UWTV stations were successfully completed. The mean density estimates varied considerably across the different patches. The 2023 raised abundance estimate showed a 15% decrease from the 2022 estimate and at 220 million burrows is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (430 million). Using the 2023 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2024 that correspond to the F ranges in the EU multi annual plan for Western Waters are between 224 and 248 tonnes (assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2020–2022). One species of sea pen was observed; Virgularia mirabilis which has been observed on previous surveys of FU19. Trawl marks were observed at 10% of the stations surveyed.
The “Smalls” Nephrops Grounds (FU22) 2023 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2024This report provides the main results and findings of the eighteenth annual underwater television survey on the ‘Smalls grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 22. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. A total of 41 UWTV stations were surveyed successfully (high quality image data), carried out over an isometric grid at 4.5nmi or 8.3km intervals. The precision, with a CV of < 7%, was well below the upper limit of 20% recommended by SGNEPS (ICES, 2012). The 2023 abundance estimate was 13% lower than in 2022 and at 776 million is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (990 million). Using the 2023 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2024 that correspond to the ICES MSY approach of 1912 tonnes, assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2020 - 2022. One species of sea pen was recorded as present at the stations surveyed: Virgularia mirabilis. Trawl marks were observed at 37% of the stations surveyed.
The Labadie, Jones and Cockburn Banks Nephrops Grounds (FU2021) 2023 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2024This report provides the main results of the 2023 underwater television survey on the ‘Labadie, Jones and Cockburn Banks’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 2021. The 2023 annual survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. A total of 100 UWTV stations were completed at 6 nm intervals over a randomised isometric grid design. The 2023 mean burrow density was 0.104 burrows/m2 compared with 0.101 burrows/m2 in the year 2022. The 2023 geostatistical abundance estimate was 1026 million, a 0.6% decrease on the abundance from 2022, with a CV of 4%, which is well below the upper limit of 20% recommended by SGNEPS 2012. Low to medium densities were observed throughout the ground. Using the 2023 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2024 that correspond to the ICES MSY approach of 1865 tonnes assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2020– 2022. Two species of sea-pen (Virgularia mirabilis and Pennatula phosphorea) were recorded as present at the stations surveyed. Trawl marks were observed at 20% of the stations surveyed.
Aran, Galway Bay and Slyne Head Nephrops Grounds (FU17) 2023 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2024This report provides the main results and findings of the 21st annual underwater television survey on the Aran, Galway Bay and Slyne head Nephrops grounds, ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 17. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV, CTD and other ecosystem data. In 2023 a total of 44 UWTV stations were successfully completed, 34 on the Aran Grounds, 5 on Galway Bay and 5 on Slyne Head patches. The mean burrow density observed in 2023, adjusted for edge effect, was medium at 0.29 burrows/m². The final krigged burrow abundance estimate for the Aran Grounds was 356 million burrows with a CV (Coefficient of Variance; relative standard error) of 3%. The final abundance estimate for Galway Bay was 15 million and for Slyne Head was 5 million, with CVs of 7% and 4% respectively. The total abundance estimates have fluctuated considerably over the time series. The 2023 combined abundance estimate (375 million burrows) is 13% higher than in 2021, and it is below MSY Btrigger (540 million burrows). Using the 2023 estimate of abundance and updated stock data imply that catches in 2024 should be no more than 454 tonnes, according to the EU MAP and ICES MSY approach and assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2020–2022. Virgularia mirabilis was the only sea-pen species observed on the UWTV footage. Trawl marks were present at 5% of the Aran stations surveyed.