The symposium was organized to link our understanding of herring biology, population dynamics, and exploitation in the context of ecosystem complexity. It is beyond argument that herring play a pivotal role in shaping the structure and dynamics of many boreal continental-shelf ecosystems. Therefore, in moving to an ecosystem approach to fishery management, the time seemed right for ICES to hold another herring symposium. Since the last ICES symposia on herring in the 1960s (“Herring Symposium”, 1961; “Biology of Early Stages and Recruitment Mechanisms of Herring”, 1968), many of the old paradigms have been rejected, and substantial progress has been made by striking out along new avenues. In addressing this particular topic, we were also able to follow on from the decadal herring symposia series held in North America, and thus cover new research from both the ICES and PICES communities. The symposium took place from 26 to 29 August 2008, at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.Description
This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in ICES Journal of Marine Science following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Dickey-Collas, M., Clarke, M., and Slotte, A. 2009. “Linking Herring”: do we really understand plasticity? – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 1649–1651 is available online at: http://icesjms.oxfordjournals.org/content/66/8/1649peer-reviewed