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dc.contributor.authorCooke, Steven J.
dc.contributor.authorFulton, Elizabeth A.
dc.contributor.authorSauer, Warwick H. H.
dc.contributor.authorLynch, Abigail J.
dc.contributor.authorLink, Jason S.
dc.contributor.authorKoning, Aaron A.
dc.contributor.authorJena, Joykrushna
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Luiz G. M.
dc.contributor.authorKing, Alison J.
dc.contributor.authorKelly, Rachel
dc.contributor.authorOsborne, Matthew
dc.contributor.authorNakamura, Julia
dc.contributor.authorPreece, Ann L.
dc.contributor.authorHagiwara, Atsushi
dc.contributor.authorForsberg, Kerstin
dc.contributor.authorKellner, Julie B.
dc.contributor.authorCoscia, Ilaria
dc.contributor.authorHelyar, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorBarange, Manuel
dc.contributor.authorNyboer, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Meryl J.
dc.contributor.authorChuenpagdee, Ratana
dc.contributor.authorBegg, Gavin A.
dc.contributor.authorGillanders, Bronwyn M.
dc.identifier.citationCooke, S. J., Fulton, E. A., Sauer, W. H., Lynch, A. J., Link, J. S., Koning, A. A., ... & Gillanders, B. M. (2023). Towards vibrant fish populations and sustainable fisheries that benefit all: learning from the last 30 years to inform the next 30 years. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1-31.
dc.descriptionOur team of authors was drawn from the International Program Committee and plenary speakers from the 2021 WFC, as well as several early-career scholars. In sum, the 24 authors reside in 12 countries that span all continents (except Antarctica), with roughly equal gender balance, and are drawn from academia, industry, government (at various levels from regional to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations—FAO), and the nongovernmental sector. We acknowledge that our authorship team does not represent all perspectives, and that some voices, in particular Indigenous cultural perspectives, are not represented here. We recognize this as a major deficiency to this opinion piece, but have taken this as an opportunity to improve our perspectives. This paper is timely and given the diverse perspectives of authors (informed by participation in the WFC) we feel that these ideas are worth sharing with the broader fisheries science and management community.. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law. Original link: Cooke, S.J., Fulton, E.A., Sauer, W.H.H. et al. Towards vibrant fish populations and sustainable fisheries that benefit all: learning from the last 30 years to inform the next 30 years. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries (2023). Peer Revieweden_US
dc.description.abstractA common goal among fisheries science professionals, stakeholders, and rights holders is to ensure the persistence and resilience of vibrant fish populations and sustainable, equitable fisheries in diverse aquatic ecosystems, from small headwater streams to offshore pelagic waters. Achieving this goal requires a complex intersection of science and management, and a recognition of the interconnections among people, place, and fish that govern these tightly coupled socioecological and sociotechnical systems. The World Fisheries Congress (WFC) convenes every four years and provides a unique global forum to debate and discuss threats, issues, and opportunities facing fish populations and fisheries. The 2021 WFC meeting, hosted remotely in Adelaide, Australia, marked the 30th year since the first meeting was held in Athens, Greece, and provided an opportunity to reflect on progress made in the past 30 years and provide guidance for the future. We assembled a diverse team of individuals involved with the Adelaide WFC and reflected on the major challenges that faced fish and fisheries over the past 30 years, discussed progress toward overcoming those challenges, and then used themes that emerged during the Congress to identify issues and opportunities to improve sustainability in the world's fisheries for the next 30 years. Key future needs and opportunities identified include: rethinking fisheries management systems and modelling approaches, modernizing and integrating assessment and information systems, being responsive and flexible in addressing persistent and emerging threats to fish and fisheries, mainstreaming the human dimension of fisheries, rethinking governance, policy and compliance, and achieving equity and inclusion in fisheries. We also identified a number of cross-cutting themes including better understanding the role of fish as nutrition in a hungry world, adapting to climate change, embracing transdisciplinarity, respecting Indigenous knowledge systems, thinking ahead with foresight science, and working together across scales. By reflecting on the past and thinking about the future, we aim to provide guidance for achieving our mutual goal of sustaining vibrant fish populations and sustainable fisheries that benefit all. We hope that this prospective thinking can serve as a guide to (i) assess progress towards achieving this lofty goal and (ii) refine our path with input from new and emerging voices and approaches in fisheries science, management, and stewardship.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Science and Business Media LLCen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries;1-31
dc.subjectAquatic Scienceen_US
dc.titleTowards vibrant fish populations and sustainable fisheries that benefit all: learning from the last 30 years to inform the next 30 yearsen_US
dc.source.journaltitleReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

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