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dc.contributor.authorDromgool-Regan, Cushla
dc.contributor.authorBurke, Noirin
dc.identifier.citationDromgool-Regan, C. and Burke, N. (2021). Explorers Wild About Wildlife on the Seashore – Living Things Seashore Ecology Presentation. Explorers Education Programme, The Camden Education Trust and Galway Atlantaquaria. Marine Institute, Irelanden_US
dc.descriptionThe Explorers Wild About Wildlife on the Seashore LIVING THINGS SEASHORE ECOLOGY Presentation has been created for teachers to use as an interactive tool in the classroom, to help the students learn about the different types of animals that live on the seashore. The presentations introduces students to the seashore habitat. It provides a range of images of seaweeds and seashore animals found on the shore. The presentation also provides illustrations of the seashore zones and a seashore food web. The Explorers Education Programme is funded by the Marine Institute, Ireland’s state agency for marine research, technology development and innovation. The Explorers Education Programme is managed by the Camden Education Trust and we work with amazing outreach teams all around Ireland, as well as other organisations that love the ocean. Also see the Explorers Wild about Wildlife Species Worksheets & Activity Sheets, and the Explorers Wild about Wildlife Species Information Sheets.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Explorers Wild About Wildlife on the Seashore PowerPoint LIVING THINGS SEASHORE ECOLOGY Presentation can be used for science classes learning about living things as well as other cross curricular lesson plans. The Presentations can be used as PowerPoint or interactive presentations on a Whiteboard. The presentation includes lots of photographs of the seashore animals.en_US
dc.publisherMarine Instituteen_US
dc.subjectTeachers resourcesen_US
dc.subjectExplorers presentationsen_US
dc.subjectLiving thingsen_US
dc.subjectSeashore ecologyen_US
dc.subjectSeashore speciesen_US
dc.subjectSeashore zonesen_US
dc.titleExplorers Wild About Wildlife on the Seashore – Living Things Seashore Ecology Presentationen_US
dc.typeLearning Objecten_US

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
Seashore ecology presentation

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