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dc.contributor.authorDepartment of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland
dc.contributor.authorDelap, C.
dc.contributor.authorFarran, G.
dc.contributor.authorDelap, M.
dc.contributor.authorSykes, E. R.
dc.contributor.authorHoyle, W. E.
dc.contributor.authorHolt, E. W. L.
dc.contributor.authorTattersall, W. M.
dc.contributor.authorCalman, W. T.
dc.contributor.authorByrne, L. W.
dc.contributor.authorKemp, S. W.
dc.contributor.authorHillas, A. B. E.
dc.contributor.authorGreen, C.
dc.contributor.authorOliver, C. D.
dc.identifier.citationDepartment of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland (1903). Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for 1902-03, Part II - Scientific Investigations. Dublin: The Stationery Office.en_US
dc.descriptionThe Marine Institute library archive has the complete collection of the Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for 1901-1926. Part II - Scientific Investigations (1901-1906), later entitled Scientific Investigations (1907-1926). These reports have been digitised and optimised using OCR. Both the original photographed images and the cleaned OCR images are presented here. The Marine Institute takes no responsibility for the individual use of these documents and strongly encourages proofreading the OCR edition against the original as some flaws may be present.en_US
dc.description.abstractI. i.—Notes on the Plankton of Valencia Harbour, 1899-1901, by M. and C. Delap. ii.—Notes on the rearing, in an Aquarium, of Cyanea Lamarcki, Peron and Lesueur, by M. J. Delap, Plates I. and II. * II. Report on the Copepoda of the Atlantic Slope off Counties Mayo and Galway, by G. P. Farran, B.A., Plates III. to XIII. * III. The Marine Fauna of the West Coast of Ireland, Part II.- i- The Molluscs and Brachiopods of Ballynakill and Bofin Harbours, Co. Galway, and of the Deep Water off the West and South-West Coasts of Ireland, by E. R. Sykes, B.A., ii.—On Specimens of Tracheloteuthis and Cirroteuthis from Deep Water off the West Coast of Ireland, by W. E. Hoyle, Plate XIV. * IV. i.- Schizopodous Crustacea from the North-East Atlantic Slope, by E. W. L. Holt and W. M. Tattersall, B.Sc., Plates XV. to XXV. ii.—Note on a Genus of Euphausid Crustacea, by W. T. Calman, D. Sc., Plate XXVI. * V. i.—Note on a Specimen of Dentex vulgaris from Dingle Bay, by E. W. L. Holt and L. W. Byrne, Plate XXVII. ii.—The British and Irish Gobies, Supplement, by E. W. L. Holt and L. W. Byrne, Plate XXVIII. iii.—Figures and Descriptions of the British and Irish Species of Solea, by E. W. L. Holt and L. W. Byrne, Plates XXIX. to XXXIV. * VI. The Marine Fauna of the West Coast of Ireland, Part III. :—Echinoderms of Ballynakill and Bofin Harbours, Co. Galway, and of the Deep Water off the West Coast of Ireland, by S. W. Kemp, B.A., Plate XXXV. * VII. The Marine Fauna of the West Coast of Ireland, Miscellaneous Notes; — i.—Additions to the List of Nudibranchiate Molluscs of Ballynakill Harbour, Co. Galway, by G. P. Farran, B.A., ii.—Rediscovery of the Nudibranch Alderia modesta (Loven), by G. P. Farran. B.A., iii.—Occurrence of the Floating Barnacle, Lepas fascicularis (Ellis and Sol.), by G. P. Farran, B.A., iv.—On Nebulia typhlops. G. O. Sars bv W. M. Tattersall, B.Sc., v.—On Stomatopod larvae from the West Coast of Ireland, by W. M. Tattersall, B.Sc. vi.—Enteropneusta from the West Coast of Ireland, by W. M. Tattersall, B.Sc. * VIII. Preliminary Report on Experiments in Oyster Culture on the West Coast of Ireland, by E. W. L. Holt and A. B. E. Hillas, B.A., * IX. Quarterly observations of Temperature, S.S. “ Helga,” * X. Note on the Manurial Value of the Seaweed Cladophora rupestids, by E. W. L. Holt. * Inland Fisheries * XI. i. - Report on the Artificial Propagation of Salmonidae for the Seasons of 1902-1903 and 1903-1904, by E. W. L. Holt, ii.—Preliminary Note on the Size of Salmon Eggs, in relation to estimating their Number, by C. Green, B.A.,. iii.—Report on the Salmon Hatchery at Lismore, by Charles Deane Oliver, B.A.I., M.I.C.E., . * XII. Statistical Information relating to the Salmon Fisheries. * XIII. Substance of Reports received from Clerks of Conservators relative to Salmon Fisheries.en_US
dc.publisherDublin, The Stationery Officeen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSea and Inland Fisheries Scientific Investigations;Volumes I-XIII
dc.subjectSea and Inlanden_US
dc.subjectScientific Investigationen_US
dc.subjectCyanea Lamarckien_US
dc.subjectAtlantic Slopeen_US
dc.subjectMarine Faunaen_US
dc.subjectDentex vulgarisen_US
dc.subjectFloating Barnacleen_US
dc.subjectNebulia typhlopsen_US
dc.subjectStomatopod larvaeen_US
dc.subjectOyster Cultureen_US
dc.subjectCladophora rupestrisen_US
dc.subjectArtificial Propagationen_US
dc.subjectSalmon Eggsen_US
dc.subjectSalmon Hatcheryen_US
dc.subjectStatistical Informationen_US
dc.subjectSalmon Fisheriesen_US
dc.titleReport on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for 1902-03. Part II - Scientific Investigationsen_US
dc.title.alternativeSea and Inland Fisheries Scientific Investigations, 1902-03en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Scientific Investigations
    Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland – Fisheries Branch – (pre 1916) Department of Fisheries – (post 1916) Series runs from 1901 - 1926

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