Recent Submissions

  • Explorers Ocean Questions and Answers

    Crowley, Danielle; Burke, Noirin; McAvinney, Rory (Marine Institute, 2023)
    The following questions and answers are about the ocean, tides, currents, and more. This PowerPoint can be used in the class to spark discussions and learn the amazing answers to questions like "how much oxygen comes from the ocean?", "how deep is the ocean?", and "why is the Gulf Stream current important to Ireland?" This PowerPoint may be used for educational purposes and the images must retain all of their image copyright details.
  • Explorers Marine Invertebrates Questions and Answers

    Crowley, Danielle; Burke, Noirin; McAvinney, Rory (Marine Institute, 2023)
    Marine invertebrates are animals without a backbone. The following questions and answers are about marine invertebrates including crabs, lobsters, and jellyfish. This PowerPoint can be used in the class to spark discussions and learn the amazing answers to questions like "what is the most dangerous jellyfish?", "are sea anemones animals or plants?", and "how long do lobsters live?" This PowerPoint may be used for educational purposes and the images must retain all of their image copyright details.
  • Explorers Marine Vertebrates Questions and Answers

    Crowley, Danielle; Burke, Noirin; McAvinney, Rory (Marine Institute, 2023)
    Marine vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. The following questions and answers are about marine vertebrates including fish, birds and mammals. This PowerPoint can be used in the class to spark discussions and learn the amazing answers to questions like "what is the fastest fish in the sea?", "do reptiles live in the ocean?", and "what seabird has the longest migration?" This PowerPoint may be used for educational purposes and the images must retain all of their image copyright details.
  • Geography - The Deep Unknown Presentation

    Marine Institute; Tulca (Marine Institute, 2018)
    The Deep Unknown Presentation is a PowerPoint presentation that helps teachers and primary school students discover the Mid Atlantic Ridge and what lies beneath 3,000kms under the sea. It offers a simple explanation of hydrothermal vents, what they are and how these physical features of our planet form.
  • Science - Creature Features and Chemosynthesis

    Marine Institute; Tulca (Marine Institute, 2018)
    The Creature Features and Chemosynthesis Presentation is a simple PowerPoint presentation about life in the hydrothermal vent ecosystem. The presentation introduces students to some of the unique creatures that live there and how the vents provide energy for them to survive through the process of chemosynthesis.
  • Explorers Presentation: Squid Dissection

    Marine Institute (Marine Institute, 2015)
    The Squid Dissection presentation can be use as part of the scientific examination of a squid in class. The presentation covers: introduction; swimming; feeding; protection; vision and size; external features; internal features; internal organs. The presentation also provides suggestions for additional projects about squid that could be displayed in the school, local library or even aquariums. Also see the Squid Dissection lesson plan for worksheets that can be used in class
  • Explorers Presentation: Flooding and Coastal Communities

    Marine Institute (Marine Institute, 2015)
    : Explorers Flooding and Coastal Communities presentation provides an introduction to flooding. This can be used with the lesson plan on building flood defences. It covers: What is a flood? Why does it flood? Where does the water come from? The water cycle; Where is water stored? Examples of Pluvial vs. Coastal flooding; Impacts of flooding; Flood defences; What else influences flooding - Human impacts, Urbanisation, Deforestation, Sea level rise
  • Explorers Presentation: Introduction to Seaweed

    Marine Institute (Marine Institute, 2015)
    Introduction to Seaweeds Presentation provides an easy to explain information about the different types of seaweeds that can be found in Ireland as well as ideas for projects that can be used with science, geography, history and art lesson plans.
  • Explorers Presentation: What is Degradation?

    Marine Institute (Marine Institute, 2015)
    What is Degradation Presentation can be used to explain new words associated with degradation of materials, marine pollution and micro plastics.
  • Explorers Presentation: Explaining the Tides to Children

    Marine Institute (Marine Institute, 2015)
    Explaining the tides to children Presentation includes information about: Orbits of the Earth, Moon and Sun; Moon phases and the lunar cycle; Gravity; Gravity and the tide; Types of tides; The tides and me!; Tide tables; Extra insight